Assessment Services at K2 Psych

Psychological assessment helps to provide information about an individual’s strengths and weaknesses across different areas such as cognitive, academic, social, emotional, and behavioral functioning. This information helps to provide clarity about the underlying causes of the challenges faced, possible diagnoses, and developing an individualized treatment plan to improve mental health and quality of life.

At K2 Psych Services, our licensed psychologists select tests and assessment tools to answer the questions individuals and families want answered, such as Does my child have ADHD? Why does my child hate reading? Do I have Autism Spectrum Disorder? Our goal is to empower individuals and families with the necessary knowledge to understand their strengths, compensate for weaknesses, and navigate the journey towards improvement across settings.

Below are common questions we receive regarding assessment services at K2 Psych:

  • Following the initial consultation call with one of our clinicians, you will be scheduled for an intake appointment to cover background information, presenting concerns, and your goals for the evaluation. Prior to your intake appointment, your clinician will get you or your child setup in the client portal for K2 Psych Services. Within the portal, clients and caregivers can complete the initial paperwork and send previous records or messages to their clinician within a secure manner.

    At the end of the intake appointment, your clinician will schedule the testing day(s). Typically, testing days have to be completed in-person due to the manner of the assessments administered. The amount of time testing takes depends upon client needs and presenting concerns; however, your clinician will be able to give you an estimate for the amount of time that will be needed for the day of testing. Once testing is complete, you will be scheduled for a feedback session. For child and teen clients, we typically recommend having separate parent/caregiver and child/teen feedbacks to accommodate parent/caregiver questions, etc.

  • Below is a list of the various domains of assessment covered at K2 Psych Services and various tests that we administer to evaluate those areas:

    Cognitive: WISC-V, WAIS-IV

    Academic: WIAT-IV, KTEA-3, FAM, GORT-5, OWLS-II, CTOPP-3, Nelson Denny

    Executive Function: DKEFS, NEPSY, Trails-X, CTMT-2, BRIEF-2 and BRIEF-A, Conners4 and CAARS, BFIS

    Memory and Learning: ChAMP, WRAML-3, select subtests from DKEFS or NEPSY, CVLT-3

    Language: CELF-5, Select subtests of NEPSY, CVLT-3

    Social/Emotional/Behavioral: BASC-3, RCMAS-2, MASC-2, CDI-2, BDI, BYI-II, BAI, PAI, MMPI-A, MMPI-2-RF

    Autism Specific: ASRS, SRS-2, MIGDAS

    Adaptive Functioning: Vineland, ABAS-3

    Trauma Specific: TSI-2, TSCYC, TSCC

  • The testing day typically starts at 8 or 9 AM, lasting anywhere from 3-6 hours with a 45-minute lunch break on longer days. Clients are provided multiple breaks throughout testing to help with fatigue, attention, and the need for physical movement. The testing office is equipped with a standing desk and access to fidgets, a wiggle seat, and exercise ball to help with fidgeting behaviors or the need to move.

    There are limited snacks available at the office (e.g., chips, fruit snacks, and fruit/grain bars) as well as water, tea, and coffee. There is also a convenience store and deli located in the lower lobby of Executive Plaza that clients and/or parents can access during the testing day. Additionally, our office is in Hunt Valley right across from the Hunt Valley shopping center that has fast food options during the lunch break.

  • We ask that a caregiver stay with children who are younger than 10 years of age; otherwise, caregivers of children 10 years and older are more than welcome to drop off their child inside the K2 Psych Office (Suite 902) and return upon completion of testing. For those staying during the evaluation, access to Wi-Fi is available inside the suite. Caregivers can also utilize the Wi-Fi lounge in the lower lobby of Executive Plaza. Clinicians will provide school and/or work notes for clients and caregivers for the time spent at the appointment.

  • YES! There are very limited situations where we ask any client (child, teen, or adult) to not take their medication for the day of testing. Even if you feel uncertain about the effects of the medication you or your child are on, still take the medications as prescribed and taken on a daily basis. Changes to medication management, even just one day, can impact one’s mood, behavioral, social, and overall functioning. We can discuss the differences you observe when you or your child are on/off the medication during the testing day rather than “see for ourselves.”

  • Our goal is to conduct the feedback session 2 weeks from the last day of testing. Once the feedback session has been completed, your clinician will finalize the report and send it to you through the IntakeQ client portal within 3 days of the feedback session. If you need the report by a specific date, please let your clinician know so they can try to help and accommodate as much as possible.

  • Schools are not required to accept evaluations completed by independent clinicians; however, our goal is to conduct an evaluation that will help to determine if your child meets eligibility for school supports or accommodations through a 504 plan or an Individualized Education Program (IEP). If your child does receive a diagnosis from the evaluation that would qualify them for either a 504 plan or an IEP, your clinician will provide information to help get you started.

    Clinicians at K2 Psych Services can also attend school meetings to help advocate for your child to obtain the necessary accommodations and supports to meet their needs. A rate of $170 per hour is charged for attending school meetings, including transportation time (if applicable).

  • Clinicians at K2 Psych Services are fee-for-service providers, meaning we do not participate with any health insurance companies or plans. The costs of psychological evaluations can vary depending upon client needs and current concerns. Typically, evaluation services at K2 Psych Services range from $1800 to $3000. A “Good Faith Estimate” will be provided to each client and family following the initial consultation call with a clinician at K2 Psych Services that will outline anticipated costs of the evaluation. With the GFE, you should not anticipate paying more than what is quoted by K2 Psych Services. If the final costs do go over the “Good Faith Estimate,” you have the right to dispute the charges with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). To learn more about “Good Faith Estimates” and the dispute process, please go to or call CMS at 1-800-985-3059.